Can an acoustic imager check for 400 volt leakage?

The acoustic imager is an advanced non-destructive testing equipment that can conduct non-contact testing at long distances without affecting the normal operation of the equipment and the high-voltage insulation distance. In power systems, leakage is usually caused by damage or aging of the insulation. When current passes through a damaged part of the insulation layer, heat is generated due to increased resistance. This heat increases the temperature of nearby air, which in turn causes the generation of sound waves. Acoustic imagers can capture these acoustic signals and convert them into visual images, helping engineers quickly locate leaks.

For leakage detection at 400 volts, the acoustic imager is fully capable. This type of instrument usually has high sensitivity and accuracy and can accurately detect tiny leakage currents. At the same time, it can also visually present the test results through image display, making it convenient for technicians to analyze and judge.


In the field of power equipment inspection, acoustic imagers are widely used and have the following advantages:

1.Efficiency: Acoustic imagers can display the status of power equipment in real time, helping engineers quickly identify potential leakage locations.

2.Safety: Through non-contact detection, the safety hazards caused by direct contact with high-voltage equipment are avoided.

3.Visualization: Through the imaging method of superimposing sonograms and visible light video images, the distribution status of sound sources in space is displayed in real time, and the location of equipment leakage, partial discharge, and abnormal noise can be quickly and accurately determined, making leakage detection more intuitive and simple. 

4. Adaptability: The acoustic imager is suitable for various types of power equipment and has good adaptability.

Leakage in power lines or equipment will not only cause damage to the equipment itself, but may also cause danger to surrounding people and the environment. As a high-precision detection equipment, the acoustic imager can not only quickly and accurately detect leakage phenomena in power lines and equipment to ensure the safe operation of power equipment, but also improve detection efficiency and ensure the safety of workers. Of course, we also need to be familiar with the operating procedures and precautions before operating the equipment to avoid improper operation that affects the test results or causes damage to the equipment.

Established in 2006, Dellon is a provider of non-destructive detection products and on-site solutions that integrates research and development, production, sales, leasing, and on-site technical services...
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