Leaders from the Non Destructive Testing Branch of Henan Mechanical Engineering Society visited and guided Dellon Technology

On September 14, 2022, Chairman Cao Shulin and Secretary General Wang Yi of the Nondestructive Testing Branch of Henan Mechanical Engineering Society visited Dellon. Mr. Sun, General Manager of Dellon and company executives accompanied the reception.

In the afternoon of that day, Mr. Sun, the general manager of the company, warmly received the arrival of the leaders of the non-destructive testing branch of the Henan Mechanical Engineering Society. Mr. Sun reported in detail to the leaders of the non-destructive testing branch on the company's product technology, development achievements, and development strategy. The leaders of the non-destructive testing branch fully affirmed and praised the company's efforts in product development and innovation, and the achievements achieved in the field of non-destructive testing based on independent technology. They highly praised the positive contributions made by Dellon Technology to social and economic development.

Subsequently, Mr. Sun led the leaders to visit the company's R&D center and production workshop, systematically showcasing the company's DEMA70A automatic crawling corrosion thickness measurement system, BD-DCU600 concrete low-frequency ultrasonic imaging detector, DVEU2005 video corrosion thickness measurement system in bent pipes, SOCAM2000 video acoustic imaging instrument, and other products to the leaders.

During the visit, the two sides had extensive exchanges and discussions on technological hotspots, key points, and difficulties in the field of non-destructive testing. Chairman Cao Shulin expressed appreciation for Dellon Technology's academic spirit of "seeking truth, fearlessness, and continuous progress", as well as the dedicated and innovative spirit of researchers. He stated that in recent years, Dellon Technology has made many new breakthroughs in solving non-destructive testing problems and innovating industry technology, which is worth learning and learning from. And he hopes that Dellon Technology will expand its market, expand its industrial chain, adhere to technological innovation, enhance its competitive strength, and make the enterprise bigger and stronger in the future, so that it can better serve the development of the industry.

Subsequently, leaders in the company's conference room had a detailed understanding of the development process, production scale, strategic planning, etc. of Dellon Technology, and conducted detailed exchanges and discussions on the development trend of the non-destructive testing industry. Everyone unanimously expressed that Dellon Technology's products have great potential, and the market prospects are broad. They highly recognized the rapid development and achievements of Dellon Technology.

The next step is for the non-destructive testing branch of Henan Mechanical Engineering Society to closely cooperate with Dellon Technology to jointly promote the development of the non-destructive testing industry in Henan Province and even the whole country. Afterwards, Dellon Technology will continue to innovate methods and ideas, increase market development and technology investment, strengthen refined management, seek benefits from management, and continuously improve testing level and market competitiveness.

Established in 2006, Dellon is a provider of non-destructive detection products and on-site solutions that integrates research and development, production, sales, leasing, and on-site technical services...
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